Service price list

Effective from 1st April 2019, the Consulate General of the Philippines in Brno (according to the Philippine Embassy in the Czech Republic) implements the following adjustments of consular price list associated with fees for certain services. The following services are shown in the table below with their price listen in Czech crowns.


Visitor (9a), Single entry1 750
Visitor (9a), Multiple entry (6-month)2 1500


Legalization, authentication, notarial services3 625


                 Express service fee 250

1 – This visa is issued to foreign nationals visiting the Philippines for tourist purposes, which includes a visit to a doctor or family that lasts no longer than 59 days. A visa is not required if the visitor is traveling to the Philippines for less than thirty days. 

2 – This type of visa is valid for six months and allows the visitor to enter the Philippines repeatedly during this period. The applicant can visit the Republic at any time and as many times as he or she wants, but can only stay a maximum of 59 consecutive days per one visit.

3 In the terms of this service, it is possible to verify the authenticity of the applicant. However, the Consulate is not authorized to verify the authenticity of the content of the submitted document.

In request of other services it is necessary to contact the Philippine Embassy in Prague.