BEC business seminar: I am hiring

Starting a private business is always a risk and takes courage. It is even harder if you have difficulties speaking the local language and are a stranger to the local culture. In the Brno Expat Centre we encourage and support foreigners who have set up business in the Czech Republic and Brno and organize informative and networking seminars to support your first steps.


Following the last year business seminar, we will be focusing on hiring. It might seem difficult but with a little bit of strategy it is much easier and quicker to find the right employee.

In the first part of the seminar we will cover the legal possibilities and requisites when hiring. What kinds of contracts are there for new employees in the Czech Republic? We will speak about “the dark side” as well – how to proceed when you have to let somebody go.

The second part will analyze the problem with cultural differences. You will get tips on how to manage your international crew and how to motivate them individually or on the whole.


5.30 pm Registration

5.45 pm Welcome from Jan Kopkáš, BEC 

5.50 pm Welcome from Tereza Krpcová and a short presentation of the South Moravian Innovation Centre´s main services and activities

6.00 pm Presentations – HR professionals

  • 6.00 pm Petra Štěpničková, Grafton Recruitment – legal possibilities and requisites of hiring in the Czech Republic
  • 6.35 pm Samuel Leduc, Reed Global – cultural differences and motivation of the staff

7.10 pm Presentations – expat entrepreneurs speaking about doing business in a new country

  • 7.10 pm Hildeberto Aleman Guerrero, TeachMe
  • 7.25 pm Romina Kohei, GliderPath

7.40 pm moderated panel discussion followed by refreshment and informal networking

The seminar is in English and free of charge. Please book your space below. Do not hesitate to contact Kristína if you have any further questions at

Jihomoravské inovační centrum (JIC)
Purkyňova 127 – Brno

Date(s) – 28/11/2016
17:30 – 20:30

Jihomoravské inovační centrum (JIC)
